An important concept to teach children is that obedience is a choice, and that their choices have consequences.
Obedience brings blessings.
Disobedience brings punishment/consequences.
The Choice is Yours Chart
When your child obeys, they earn a good car. Have the child place a car in the path of obedience. When your child disobeys, they earn a bad car. Have the child place a car in the path of disobedience. If they have earned a timeout or other punishment, have them put the bad car on the path after the punishment. If the child refuses to put a car in the bad path, do it for them.
Confession, Repentance & Grace
Each time a child earns a bad car, remind the child that if they tell God (confess) what they did wrong and ask God in Jesus’s name to forgive them of their sins, they will be forgiven. That’s why I put a cross between the paths. Lead the child in a simple prayer of repentance. Then, tell the child that God throws our sins in the sea of forgetfulness. People may remember our sins, but God doesn’t.
At the end of each day or week, depending on the age of the child, have the child count the good and bad cars they have earned. If the child has more good cars than bad cars, they earn a treat.
Materials Needed
Black foam board. Carson Dellosa-race car cutouts. A border. Laminate the cars and use Velcro dots on the board and cars to easily attach and remove the cars.