Chef Dee Whizz: Welcomeduction to Bible Story
Before the Bible story a volunteer comes out in a chef’s costume, I call myself Chef Dee Whizz but you’re welcome to name your own chef. I also have a background I sit in front of while I tell the story. It has a Bible verse and cute drawings on it. If you don’t have an artist in your church you can purchase cute cut outs from a teacher’s supply store. The background helps draw the kid’s attention to the speaker, but it’s up to the speaker to keep their attention. Therefore it’s important to:
- 1. Know what you want to say
- 2. Keep it short & simple.
- 3. Repeat, repeat &repeat the main point
Chef Dee Whizz Skit:

Hey boys and girls, I’m Chef Dee Whizz and I am here to serve you up some tasty tid bits from the Bible. God said “that man does not live on bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (NIV) That means just as your body needs food to grow healthy and strong so does your spirit. What would happen if you didn’t eat? You would get weak and sick. And eventually you would die. Just as your body needs food to grow healthy and strong so does your spirit. So I am here on an assignment from God to feed your spirits. So I hope you’re hungry and ready to:
Puppet skit:
Puppet: comes out spitting the Bible (tiny bible) out of his mouth and says:
“Yuk, this Bible taste awful!”
Chef Dee Whizz says: Oh my gosh what in the world are you doing?
Puppet: I don’t want my spirit to starve to death so I’m eating God’s word.
Chef: What, that’s not you eat God’s word, is it boys and girls? The kids will shout “no.”
Puppet: How in the world do you eat God’s word?
Chef: You eat God’s word by reading God’s word, listening to God’s word in church or by memorizing God’s word. Eating God’s word is like the opposite (I shout the word opposite then lower my voice) of eating food. When we eat food we open our mouths but in order to eat God’s word we close our mouths, open our ears and most importantly we open our hearts. So let’s do that together right now. The volunteer takes her hand and makes a motion to zip her lips closed. Then cups her hands to her ears and opens her ears. Then she puts her hands in a prayer stance next to her heart and opens them. Then she says “now you’re ready to be feed God’s word.” Then the Bible story follows. The chef can tell the Bible story or she can Welcomeduce the volunteer giving the Bible story as her sous-chef.
If you don’t have a puppet:
After you say “so I hope you’re hungry and ready to eat” but wait, eating God’s word is like the opposite of eating food. When we eat food we open our mouths, but in order to eat God’s word we close our mouths, open our ears and most importantly we open our hearts. So let’s do that together right now. The volunteer takes her hand and makes a motion to zip her lips. Then cups her hands to her ears and opens her ears. Then she puts her hands in a prayer stance next to her heart and opens them. Then she says “now you’re ready to be feed God’s word.” Then proceed with the Bible story.