Roll, Name Tags and Snacks
It’s important to take roll each week. Please take roll as the children arrive, this is for their protection as well as yours. If a parent shows up to pick up their child and the child is not at a club meeting, it will be important to know whether or not the child was marked absent. If the child was marked absent and their name tag is still in the box then they were not at the meeting. Sometimes a child will forget about the club meeting and will ride the bus home. That’s why I always ask the school to make an announcement each week before the car and bus bell rings.
Roll Sheet
Take the names from the registration forms and make a roll sheet. Put all of the registration forms in a binder. Make sure to have the binder at every meeting in case of an emergency.
Name Tags
Pass out name tags as soon as you take roll. Name badges work well. It is easier and quicker to put them alphabetically.
Have drinks and snacks set up and ready before the kids arrive. Most schools don‘t allow peanuts. Please check with your school regarding their rules. Let children relax and socialize during snack time. Remind them to use the restroom before club meeting starts.
Prize Table
Prizes are a fun and exciting way to encourage children to get involved in club activities such as, memorizing verses, returning their daily training charts and answering questions after the Bible story. So I give out prize tickets throughout the club meeting, see Club Agenda. Letting a child pick out a prize during club meetings is very distracting and time consuming. I encourage you to let the children use their tickets to buy prizes during snack time. But they must have their name tag on first, which means they are marked present on the roll sheet.
I have a variety of prizes on my prize table. For inexpensive prizes I only charge 1, 2, or 3 tickets. But for more expensive prizes I charge more. And for grand prizes I charge even more. I really splurge on my prize table. I buy lots of prizes. I put a table skirt around it. Sometimes I put balloons on it. I also have a jumbo plastic ice cream cone that I put on it. I put one or two volunteers in charge of the table. They take the tickets from the kids and let me know when to buy more prizes.