Salvation Prayer
Boys and girls do you know that there is something in heaven called the Lamb’s Book of Life?
At the end of our life, a long, long, long time from now hopefully when we are really, really old we will die. It is appointed to man once to die. When we die we will stand before God. And He is going to open up the Lamb’s Book of Life. If our name is not in it the gates of heaven will not open up. But if our name is the Lamb’s Book of Life the Gates of heaven will open. How exciting is that? Now this is not the real Lamb’s Book of Life. God has it up in heaven. I try to imagine what the Book of Life looks like. I wonder if it’s made of pure gold with ruby and jewels all over it?
But the real question is not what the Lambs Book of Life looks like but rather how do you get your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?
It’s as Easy as the ABC’s plus G,
B: Believe Jesus is God’s son and He died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. He is in heaven and will return some day.
C: Confess our sins. We were born into a sinful world, we all have a sinful nature and all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Tell God you are sorry for your sins.
A: Ask Jesus into our hearts. Put Him at the throne of our heart. Love Him more than money, talent success and friends. Be in a relationship with the Lord and serve Him for the rest of your life.
G. Give your life to the Lord by listening to and obeying His word.
Give Him your
Lead children in a Prayer of salvation
I know I was born into a sinful world
I have sinned
Please forgive me of all my sins.
I believe Jesus is your Son and that He died in the cross for me and rose again on the third day. He is in heaven and will return one day. Jesus, I give my heart to you. Please come into my heart and make it your home. I will listen to your word and obey it. I will love you and will follow you all the days of my life. Amen Give kids a “Became a child of God/Royal Duties” card.